Saturday, December 19, 2009

Strategies To Help You Succeed

Your ability to set goals that are both challenging and achievable and to make detailed plans for their accomplishment is a key skill to attaining success.

Setting well formed goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible This ability honed through continual practice, will do more to ensure your eventual success than anything else you do. Setting a goal is all about making a commitment in words. Linguistically this is termed a 'declaration' and declaring your intention is a powerful process. Your words have the absolute power to create your future.

You may think that achieving your goal is the end point. But you will quickly realize that often in the pursuit of a goal, you will set in motion 'precession' effects that have consequences more far reaching than ever intended. Whatever time you spend setting goals and plans will lay the foundation for your success. Here's a simple but powerful method I use.

1. Decide exactly what it is you want. Absolute clarity is the starting point to achieve significant success. If you are clear about what you want, the world responds with clarity. Ensure your goal stretches you but doesn't pull you out of shape.

2. Write your goal in detail and set a deadline. Set dates for each identified subset of the goal if necessary.

3. Identify what additional knowledge, skills and abilities you'll need to acquire to achieve your goal. Then target where you will access this information, and decide how you will obtain it.

4. Determine the obstacles and difficulties you must overcome to reach your goal. Prioritize these in order of importance and then write a plan to overcome each of them.

5. Identify the people, groups and organizations whose help you will require. Do you need someone to coach or mentor you through the accomplishment of your goal? Decide what you can in turn offer to attract their attention and secure their assistance and support. Share your goal carefully. Private goals held in your heart are almost never accomplished however public goals that are selectively shared with other people who have a strategic stake in the outcome are more often accomplished.

6. Draft a detailed plan. Identify each step and also the sequence of those steps. What's the most important step? What's the next most important step? Keep asking 'What's the next step' until you exhaust all possibilities and have a well formulated set of priorities. Goals can only be reached when we have a rigorous action plan, in which we fervently believe, and upon which we vigorously act. There is no other way to achieve success.

Every time you set a new goal incorporate these steps into your goal setting process. Chisel your goals in granite but set your plans in sand. Stand ready to amend your plans as you move forwards. Constantly review your plans until you're confident you can execute them, and then take action with boldness and urgency.

Here's your challenge for this week: Set at least one significant goal. Send me an email to say you've done it; suggest what assistance and support you need, and then go for it.

"The establishment of a clear central purpose or goal in life is the starting point for all success." - Brian Tracy

To Your Success,

Lloyd Dobson

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


At least twice a month I visit my "Branch Office" better known as "Rum Runners" a tiki bar in the Sirata Beach Resort located in St. Pete Beach, Florida. to relax, think, and enjoy the beautiful beach and sunsets. Some months ago the Sirata Resort employed a new staff member whose name is Erica. Erica has a ready smile, an open and cheerful personality, calls her regular customers by name, and consistently provides great customer service. I don't imagine Erica will work for the Sirata forever, but the skills she has been taught and the personality she has cultivated will ensure success in whatever she does in life.
The other day as Erica passed by the table where I was sitting I called her over and said how much I enjoyed the great service she provides. There are other good people who work in that tiki bar but Erica stands out for all the reasons I mentioned. I don't know if customers regularly give Erica compliments, but I think she appreciated my comments and because it is consistently deserved I enjoyed saying how much I appreciate the service.
Customer service providers in the restaurant and hospitality industry in the United States are not well paid, and they rely on tipping for service, or adding a service charge to the cost of food and drink. So the consistent service that Erica gives is a genuine reflection of both her training and attention to customer care and not driven by any expectation, or culture of entitlement, such as I have observed in some countries where tipping is an entrenched practice.
Where am I going with this? Well I'm proposing a revolution! A revolution based on catching and complimenting people for behaving positively. Just imagine the result if every day you caught someone, somewhere, in any situation doing something right and told them so. Then imagine the result if we each recruited five people to the cause and everyone complimented one person a day. And imagine what would happen if those five found five who found five. How that would impact the service culture of your town or city? And perhaps you could forward this article to five people to start the revolution.
We all in some way provide service to others - at home, at work, in our community, so when you catch someone doing something right immediately compliment them, say what you observed, why you are complimenting them, and most importantly how you 'feel' about it. Encourage them to continue to do more of what they are doing so well; or even better gently challenge them to do even better. Emphasize how they and others will benefit. One of our responsibilities in life is to encourage others. To help them set the performance bar higher, to stretch, reach out and realize their full potential.
It's not only important to recognize people for what they do, but also to acknowledge them for who they are. Praise is both powerful and empowering because it raises self esteem, which in turn raises confidence, and so we perform even better. When we feel 'good' our brain releases a chemical called Dopamine, which plays a critical role in the way the central nervous system works, including the brains complex system of motivation and reward. So catching and complimenting people doing something right is a great way to give someone a natural 'high' as well as encourage and reinforce desired attention.
People may over time forget exactly what you said, but they will forever remember exactly how they felt as a result of what you said. We can literally praise people to success. The cosmetics entrepreneur Mary Kay's mantra was: "Praise people to success." I invite you to join the revolution and encourage others
To Your Success,

Lloyd Dobson

Monday, August 31, 2009

What Are The 5 Habits That Cost Entrepreneurs The Most Money?

These words might sting a bit. If you're prone to
taking things personally, then this isn't for you.

Right now, I want to share with you the 5 habits that
cost us as Entrepreneurs the most money.

# 1 Habit ) Practicing lousy follow-up:

All too often newbies to MLM ( or any home business for that
matter ) buy 100 or more leads from some INCREDIBLE source
that's destined to make them thousands of dollars in a few
days time.

But guess what happens? After making the calls and sending the
follow-up emails, the AT&Ter / MLMer chooses to NOT follow-up.
That means they've contacted everyone at least once and then
that's it.

BIG Mistake... HUGE even!


Because your prospects need to KNOW YOU... then they need to
LIKE YOU... then they need to TRUST YOU.

How does one establish all 3 in one phone call or one email?


They don't!

So... what IS the answer to this problem?

You follow-up.... then you follow-up again...
and then you follow-up again.

Most Networkers I know and work with follow-up indefinitely...
for years even.

Via email autoresponders, voice blasts, postcards, personal phone calls, etc..

It sounds like a lot of work I know but the real truth is is that it's
easier to take a semi-lukewarm prospect who at least knows you and convert
them into a paying customer or distributor over time v/s contacting new
leads over and over again without ever going back for a 2nd or 3rd time.

# 2 Habit ) Hanging out with Losers.

Remember... I warned you! Some of you might be a little sensitive and
think that calling people "losers" is too harsh. Well... splash some cold
water on your face and walk into reality with me... There are "losers"
in every program... People who complain, whine, moan AND quit within
their first week because ( I love this part )... "It doesn't work"!

In virtually every program, opportunity, group, etc... 5% - 10% of
the people are making 80% or more of the money. If you're hanging
around the 90%ers - 95%ers, you will get crumbs. Begin to associate
with other winners and leaders. People who have initiative, drive,
determination, ambition, tenacity and an incredible attitude. And
it helps if they already have whatever it is that you want. Be it money,
time, fame or just plain old fashioned FREEDOM!

Let the losers mingle with the other losers. You're better than that.

# 3 Habit ) Wasting time.

This is a biggie!

We all procrastinate. Myself included. I am not immune to taking
a 2 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon or watching episodes of
MacGyver on DVD ( just got Season 6 yesterday.. Sweet! ) when I
know darn well I should be on the phone or running an ad somewhere.

But your success or lack thereof can be traced directly back to your
relationship with time. There's no way around this one. You either
make time your slave or you'll be a slave to time.

# 4 Habit ) Not creating systems

The guys and gals in any program ( that includes yours ) have
systems in place for lead generation and prospecting. They have
methods of attracting good, quality leads from multiple sources into
their marketing funnel on a daily basis.

You do not want to be a seat-of-the-pants type of individual. Creating
a simple series of systems will make your life a lot easier and far more

# 5 Habit ) Living with Poor Discipline.

This one can be tied into habit #3. Discipline and having respect to
your time go hand in hand. But it's more than that.. it's about being
organized, self-sufficient, accountable and pro-active. It's about doing
the things you know that need to be done without pause and without regard.

One fellow in my group has a difficult time in staying consistent.
( That's being disciplined in a NEGATIVE way ). He'll work hard
and then hit the pause button... then he'll come back... work hard
and then he hits the pause button again.. Back and forth he goes.
Never building any real momentum because he's always starting and

So there's being disciplined in a good way and there's being
disciplined in a bad way. It's the good way that counts... doing
the little things... the mundane things... each and every day.

Over and over and over again.

That's how are fortunes are accrued.


Now you're aware. Aware of the habits that could be costing you a lot of money.

Being aware of the things that are potentially holding you back is
invaluable. Use your Awareness Radar to detect the activities,
thoughts and people that are not in alignment with your goals and
dreams. Eliminate them. Shift your focus to the activities, thoughts
and people that are in alignment with your goals and dreams. You'll
be amazed at how quickly things can change for you.

Until Next Time,
Lloyd Dobson

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Because we think in pictures, our thoughts can be likened to movies playing in our mind. Our brain being the movie theater and our mind a collection of movies constantly playing in the theater. Even though you may not be consciously aware of it, you are not only the actor in those movies; but also the producer, director, and editor.

The quality of your mind movies determines the quality of your life. Change the details, and you change; possibly even transform your moods, emotions, behaviors, and your life. We aren't usually consciously aware of how we make these movies or that through them we represent our world - but we do! We internally reproduce sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations that somehow characterize our individual version of the world around us. How we represent every personal experience, and the meaning we give to those experiences influences how we respond. However we don't notice all this because we are caught up in the content of our lives.

To become consciously aware of how we make our internal movies requires mindfulness. To become mindful, we must first become aware of how we: display the images, sequence the events, create the sound tracks, and what we say when we talk to ourselves about them. When we understand that; then we can understand how we use them to impact our physiology and to create the mind-body states that empower us or limit us.

The power to change our internal images comes from our ability to alter perspective. We can choose to 'see' the images from an 'associated' state; in other words from the 'inside' as the actor. Or we can choose to see them from a 'disassociated' state; that is, from the 'outside' as the observer. We also have the ability to change the details, altering the visual images, with the choice of still pictures or moving pictures. Move from black and white to color and back again. We can change the tone, and the volume of the voices or auditory elements. We can change roles, stepping away from the role of actor and assuming the role of director or editor.

We can make any changes we want. Change visual and auditory details, speed the movie up, slow it down, or play it backwards. We can even change the meaning of the movie, if we want. And we can instruct our younger selves and teach them things they didn't know.

There are many options for using your mind movies. One is to program and play 'training' movies to assist in developing new competencies and skills. Whatever changes you make will change the meanings and associations you ascribe to them. Our internal images, our self talk, the moods and emotions we live in all impact on how well we navigate the seas of life. How we manage our movies determines our health, relationships, skills, experiences and successes. Happy viewing.

To Your Success!
Lloyd Dobson

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fundamental For Success

Fundamental Principles For Success

Seven Principles For Success

Principle #1 For Success

Tools and techniques that you can employ to help ensure your
success with your business.

So let me ask you, what do you think it takes to be
successful? Think of the most successful people you know.
What are some of the qualities that they have in common?
Take out a piece of paper and let's list some of the
qualities together!


[|> 1.[ Positive Attitude
[|> 2.[ Friendly
[|> 3.[ Hard Working
[|> 4.[ Outgoing
[|> 5.[ Risk Taker
[|> 6.[ Big Thinker
[|> 7.[ Fun
[|> 8.[ Creative
[|> 9.[ Resourceful
[|> 10.[ Focused

I'm sure you can think of more. Go ahead, write them down!
Now for the hard part...write your name at the top of the
paper and commit to becoming that person!

So many people decide to start a home based business
without stopping to think about what it will really take to
make it. They start with a "try it and see" attitude. If
they don't see immediate results they blame their sponsor or
the company or the entire industry. They decide network
marketing doesn't work. The truth is THEY didn't work!

I'm still amazed by the number of people that say they want
to earn $10,000 or even $100,000 a month but then they say
they're only willing to invest five hours a week to build
their business. And they whine about spending money on a
long distance call or this marketing system. That's just
plain silly! Building anything worth having is going to take
an investment of time, energy and money.

That's why we call it netWORK marketing and not netPLAY

There's one word I want you to erase from your vocabulary
right now. And that's the word TRY! To be successful, you
are not going to TRY! You're going to DO. With a CAN DO
attitude, no matter what challenges lie ahead (there will be
many) you will SUCCEED!

[|> Seven Principles of Success

The truth about what it takes to succeed:

[|> 1.[ An Unshakeable DESIRE
[|> 2.[ Measurable GOALS
[|> 3.[ A PLAN of attack
[|> 4.[ A DUPLICABLE System
[|> 5.[ All-Out-Massive-Action (AOMA)
[|> 6.[ FOCUS
[|> 7.[ ATTITUDE of a mental giant

"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated.
You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."
~David Lloyd George~

[|> Step One: An Unshakeable DESIRE

This is the single most important step in starting and
succeeding in your home based business. Why? Because one
thing I can promise you, there will be challenges! The road
to success is not without potholes!

However, with a keen desire and focused dedication, you can
learn to smoothly navigate any distraction in your path. In
fact, you'll even learn to view the bumps as opportunities
to learn and grow!

You Just Bought a Lifetime Pass to the Emotional Roller

There's no doubt about it, network marketing is not for the
faint of heart! Friends and family members may laugh at you
or criticize you. Co-workers may resent you. Dream stealers
will tell you it can't be done. Prospects will hang up on
you, companies will go out of business. Upline may ignore
you, customers may complain, distributors will quit.

But none of that matters...IF your "WHY" is big enough!

Repeat after me: "If it's to be, it's up to me!"

AGAIN: "If-It's-To-Be, It's-Up-To-Me!!"

AGAIN: "IF--IT'S--TO--BE, IT'S--UP--TO--ME!!!"

You are the only one responsible for the success of your

It doesn't matter what anyone else does or doesn't do, it
really comes down to you and your desire or your "WHY".

So before we go one step further, you need to get 100%
crystal clear on why you are in this business. Your "WHY"
needs to be larger than life; something much bigger than
just you. Something you're willing to fight and die for!

For me it is my son. It was important to me to be able to
see my son grow up. I wanted to be home for the first word,
the first step, the first fall! I wanted to be there on the
field trips, the recitals and the after school milk and

At the same time, I wanted to provide a superior lifestyle
for my family which for me included travel! I wanted
something grand of my own, besides being a father. I wanted
to make a difference not only for my family but for other
families as well.

This became my WHY, my Passion! And network marketing my
chosen vehicle, through the potholes, the uphill climbs and,
yes, the free, open highways as well!

My Challenge to You!
[|> Determine your "WHY"!

I can promise you, this will be the single most important
determining factor of your longevity and success in this
business! If you've already put some thought into this,
great! Let's revisit your goals and dreams together! As we
grow and change in this business, so do our reasons for
being here!

Today's homework: get a notebook and make it a nice one that
you'll enjoy working in. This will become your blueprint to
success and will be with you throughout the duration of your

Success Principle #1: An Unshakeable DESIRE

OK, time to dig in and get to work! Above your homework
was to get a nice notebook for developing your blueprint to
success. I hope you take this exercise seriously because it
will become the single most important factor in the success
of your home based business.

Ask any successful person you know. Nine times out of ten
they'll tell you, where goals are concerned, they don't
think it; they ink it! So are you ready! Today you become
the architect of your-own life!

Take this exercise seriously...but have fun with it!

Find a nice quiet place without any distractions. Prepare to
spend at least 30 minutes on this exercise. Don't worry
about how your answers sound. Just free-flow write. This is
fun and can be very revealing!

Ask yourself the following questions and write them down.

[|> 1.) If I didn't have to work for a living what would
I love to do?

[|> 2.) If I were given $10 million dollars (tax free!)
what would I do with it? (Of course you'd pay the bills, but
after that) No limits here, write it ALL down!

[|> 3.) If I just found out I had six (healthy) months to
live, what would I do with the rest of my life?

Identifying Your "WHY" Helps You Define Your True Purpose
in Life!

Now try to determine the essence of these desires. Ask
yourself, "If I did this, or had that, what would it bring
to me?" These thoughts should reveal to you the lifestyle
you want and the type of person you aspire to be.

When you know your purpose, you can put passion behind it.
When you move forward with passion, there's no stopping you
and others will be attracted to follow you! Therein lies the
key to success in your network marketing business!

Make a commitment to yourself to pursue your life's purpose
and create the lifestyle you want. Become the person you
desire to be. Your purpose and the passion that flows from
it, is what will empower you, no matter how bumpy the road

Develop the habit of writing in your notebook or journal
every day. Just ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes
at night will help you keep in touch with who you are and
who you are becoming. Your goals and dreams will shift and
change as you grow in your business. You'll have a record of
the past as well as a vision of the future!

"See into life ~ don't just look at it." ~ Ann Baxter

To your success!

Lloyd Dobson

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fundamentals of Goal Setting

Fundamentals of Goal Setting:

"The masses of people lead lives of quite desperation, because they lack a sound plan through which to accumulate a fortune."

Your ability to set goals that are both challenging and achievable and to make detailed plans for their accomplishment is a key skill to attaining success.

Consider these questions:
1. "What do I want to do?"
2. "What do I want to see?"
3. "What do I want to be?"
4. "What do I want to have?'
5. "Where do I want to go?"
6. "What would I like to share?"

Setting well formed goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible This ability honed through continual practice, will do more to ensure your eventual success than anything else you do. Setting a goal is all about making a commitment in words. Linguistically this is termed a 'declaration' and declaring your intention is a powerful process. Your words have the absolute power to create your future.

You may think that achieving your goal is the end point. But you will quickly realize that often in the pursuit of a goal, you will set in motion 'processional' effects that have consequences more far reaching than ever intended. Whatever time you spend setting goals and plans will lay the foundation for your success. While you are working on one goal, you must have another in the planning stages. Here's a simple but powerful method I use.

1. Decide exactly what it is you want. Absolute clarity is the starting point to achieve significant success. If you are clear about what you want, the world responds with clarity. Ensure your goal stretches you but doesn't pull you out of shape. Describe "WHY?" you want the goal. This is the process you either talk yourself into it ___or talk yourself out of it. Which is good. When you are unclear "WHY" it is important, you usually don't put much effort in it.

2. Write your goal in detail and set a deadline. Set dates for each identified subset of the goal if necessary.
You might write 380 - You will
know what that means - You
don't have to describe the color
or interior of the car.

3. Identify what additional knowledge, skills and abilities you'll need to acquire to achieve your goal. Then target where you will access this information, and decide how you will obtain it.

4. Determine the obstacles and difficulties you must overcome to reach your goal. Prioritize these in order of importance and then write a plan to overcome each of them.

5. Identify the people, groups and organisations whose help you will require. Do you need someone to coach or mentor you through the accomplishment of your goal? Decide what you can in turn offer to attract their attention and secure their assistance and support. Share your goal carefully. Private goals held in your heart are almost never accomplished however public goals that are selectively shared with other people who have a strategic stake in the outcome are more often accomplished.

6. Draft a detailed plan. Identify each step and also the sequence of those steps. What's the most important step? What's the next most important step? Keep asking 'What's the next step' until you exhaust all possibilities and have a well formulated set of priorities. Goals can only be reached when we have a rigorous action plan, in which we fervently believe, and upon which we vigorously act. There is no other way to achieve success. Go through your list and to the best of your ability say, "I think this will take me about a year or three or five or ten years to accomplish. Some big goals may be out there ---- 10 years.

Every time you set a new goal incorporate these steps into your goal setting process. Chisel your goals in granite but set your plans in sand. Stand ready to amend your plans as you move forwards. Constantly review your plans until you're confident you can execute them, and then take action with boldness and urgency.

The way you enjoy life the best is to wrap up one goal and start on the next one. The only way to enjoy another meal is to get hungry.

Here's your challenge for this week: Set at least one significant goal. Oh yes, goal setting is NOT something you do just once! It is a continual process. I am sure the reason why most people let "Goal Setting" slide is because it is a lot of work. I know most people don't have well defined plans; but, don't let this be you . . . .

The person says, "Look . . .if you work where I work, by the time you get home, have a bite to eat, watch a little TV and go to bed . . . you can't stay up half the night and plan, plan, plan!"

And . . . This is the person who is behind on their car note. They are a good worker, works hard; but, a good worker can still wind up broke. YOU HAVE TO BE MORE THAN A GOOD WORKER. YOU HAVE TO BE A GOOD PLANNER! A GOOD GOAL SETTER!

"The establishment of a clear central purpose or goal in life is the starting point for all success." - Brian Tracy

To Your Success,

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is GDI a Scam?

Since my involvement in the Internet global community, several times I have seen posted numerous blogs and forums concerning this question about Global Domains International (GDI). Is the answer.....yes? The answer is not yes it is a scam! Actually it is 180 degrees from that answer. The answer is absolutely NO!! It is not a scam.

People get involved with GDI for different reasons, one is simply to create and work with their own web site, or to establish an enormous passive global income automatically. As a member of GDI we want to be certain you achieve preciously what you joined GDI to accomplish. The following information will steer you in the right direction and we want you to know that as part of our team we are pleased to assist you any time. This link will enlighten you as to why you would benefit in having your own web site with GDI:

Global Domain International (GDI) is a Fortune 500 company that sells web hosting packages. For $10.00 per month you get a domain name, web hosting, a site builder and ten email addresses. You can find the exact same deal from many other vendors and for a lot less money. This is probably why many people think that GDI is a scam! Below are some strong reasons why I believe you would choose GDI over some of the cheaper rival companies. Actually there are several reasons...

1. In the beginning, if you are a beginner you can test without committing to a long term contract with a host company.

2. Most of the good .com domain names are taken.

3. You get a 7 day FREE trial with all the benefits offered.

Besides the opportunity to have your own domain name, as I mentioned earlier, GDI has an affiliate program and has affiliates all over the world pushing their product. Here is how you are paid: You will receive $1.00 for each referral. Actually when I saw how little the amount was, I was not that impressed. I thought to myself, who in the world would push this with such a small pay? Well Global Domains International affiliates are claiming to make big money. So...with that said, I took a closer look and realized that the $1.00 referral fee went down 5 levels deep. Well what does 5 levels mean?

Let's do some math and assume you can refer just 5 people to Global Domains International (GDI). Now all you would make, would be $5.00 monthly; however, what if you taught those 5 team members a secret to pulling 5 team members of their own. This would be your second level and now you are looking at $25.00 per month in commissions. Now teach those members how to do the same and recruit just five. As it stands right now, you have 25 members in your downline. Now those 25 members know the secret to pulling 5 members of their own. In all actually each member could pull in as many referrals as they want, but let's say for consistency that they also refer 5 people using the secret. We are now looking a $125.00 on the third level. If level four and five would continue with their five, each month you would have earned $3,125.00. This type of Global Domains International power is fantastic!

Now you have seen how much money can be made with Global Domains International, but the honest truth is that most people will fail. Most people are looking for a get rich quick scheme and fail to market their business. Global Domains International (GDI) business is no different. You must expose the opportunity. We have many tools that we share with you; however, the real success comes from your commitment to succeed!

Global Domains International provides a valuable opportunity to anyone interested in making money online. Just visit my web site and you'll see the opportunities displayed. Visit my web site at:

To your success!

Lloyd Dobson