Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Common Characteristics Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs resonate in most of them. Whatever line of business or industry they are in, there are certain traits that successful entrepreneurs have in common. When we mirror those characteristics we can succeed as well. We must have PEAK CONFIDENCE get it here..

Most all successful people share some common qualities. Qualities that set them apart from others. The successful entrepreneurs have more than a business plan to create customers, they have a blueprint for success as well. They all have a vision and a commitment to their business. All have a burning desire to scale the heights of their chosen field and they totally reject the possibility of failure.

Here is a list of five common characteristics:

1) Successful entrepreneurs are people with a strong internal focus of control and they understand they control their destiny. They have a clear focus on the goals they have engineered for themselves. They do not take criticism, misunderstanding and objections as a road block in their journey. Many people refer to them as lucky; however luck is no more than being prepared when the opportunities arise.

2) Successful entrepreneurs have a commitment to their business and vision. They are able to identify opportunity where another may see difficulty. They are able to articulate their vision and influence others to embrace their cause. They impact the status quo, sow seeds of change, and set in place improvements to the prevailing culture.

3) Successful entrepreneurs go early, start fast and stay strong and they course correct and fine tune as they go. It is more important to them to get out of the blocks and run than it is spend time developing detailed plans. Often they will plan at the broad brush level and then fill in the details as they move ahead. Referred to as ready, fire, aim.

4) Successful entrepreneurs are willing to do those things that others are unwilling to do. In so doing they separate themselves from others. Small things often add up to big accomplishments, or said another way; success is the sum of many small actions done consistently over a considerable period of time. When you examine successful lives you will find a trail of small sacrifices that lead on to large achievements.

5) Successful entrepreneurs fail. No doubt about that. Almost every biography of a high achiever is littered with accounts of failure. It’s almost like a right of passage. Great generals lose battles. Great politicians lose support. Great scientists lose funding. Great academics are often derided, Great athletes lose events.

Great business leaders make mistakes. Yet they literally never accept temporary failure as a final defeat. They keep their eye on the main game, and keep moving relentlessly toward their objective. A person could describe the process of success in life as; Stumbling forward with intent. Often we will stumble and fall but the key is to extract the learning from that situation and to then move on.


1 comment:

stacie28 said...

great list of five common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs! thanks for this sharing! In my opinion, great entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or Yury Mintskovsky also have in common those five qualities. These smart men really worked hard in order to have success in their careers.