Monday, June 28, 2010

Creating Effective Outcomes Through Our Conversation

How can we increase the effectiveness of our conversations and use our speaking to create better outcomes? How we use language in conversation continually opens and closes possibilities for us in life. This is because language not only describes the world we observe, but it also creates the world we live in; because within the words we use are actions. The various basic linguistic acts inherent in language are called: Assertions, Declarations, with a subset called Assessments, and Commitments, which can include both Requests and Offers.

Studies have shown that linguistic acts are a key ingredient in conversation regardless of the language we speak. Using language we tell others how things are: 'This is a critical situation...' We try to get others to take action: 'Could you assist me with...' We commit ourselves to taking action: 'I will assist you to...' We express our feelings and attitudes: 'When I don't communicate clearly I become...' We bring about changes in the world by what we say: 'I will improve my performance this year by...' We offer to do something for another: 'Would you like me to assist you to...' These ways of using language occur in everyday conversation. Let's now look more closely at Declarations.
Declarations are statements about 'what will be' from this time forwards. They carry a force that generates a new reality. They are expressions about the different circumstances in life that are made in the present and yet have a profound impact on the future. Some examples I can recall include: the voting deadlock following the US election in 2000 that was ruled on by the Supreme Court and delivered the Presidency to George W. Bush. The court 'declared' by a majority of five to four that Bush had won the State of Florida.  Another is the declaration by the then President of the International Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch when he announced the awarding of the 2000 Olympic games. He 'declared' ...and the winner is Sydney.
What gives a declaration its impact is not so much the individual making the declaration, but the social role they occupy. Examples of social roles include: Police and judges. Referees and coaches. Principles and teachers. Chairpersons and Chief Executives. A particular social group - a community, a city, or a country, vests specific authority in a particular role to perform certain tasks. The authority of a role can reside in an individual, or in a group, who may be elected or appointed, such as: Juries and tribunals. State and national parliaments, Boards of directors and boards of inquiry. And declarations can be considered valid or invalid according to the authority that the person or persons listening vest in the speaker.
And how is this relevant to us? How can we use declarations to create better outcomes and a different reality in our world? When we set goals and plans for our future we are making a declaration about how things will be, to ourselves and also to those around us. Here's what Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan say:

"All generative action relies on speech acts; an action taken through language. The most fundamental of speech acts is a declaration, which brings a possible future into existence. A declared future is not a dream or a hope, but a future to which you commit yourself. Creating a new future makes you the author of your life in a way few people have ever imagined. Investing in yourself, putting yourself at risk, is essential to rewriting the future. We do this by committing, which is another speech act. We put everything we have at stake for the new future. Just as a default future isn't certain, a created future isn't a done deal either. What we invent is a possibility, to which we commit our entire being. When we realize that we have the power to declare and commit to a new future, the world occurs as a world that you control." 

To Your Success,
Lloyd Dobson
MY FREE Training & Marketing System for ANY Business:  FREE Strategies - Click Here NOW

Friday, June 25, 2010

How Self-Image and Self-Esteem Shape Our Life

Research shows that four in every five people report they have suffered or currently suffer from low or diminished self esteem. Often this is event related. For instance, self esteem can diminish when we are faced with a situation where emotions are heightened. It is said, that by the time we reach the age of three, fifty percent of what we believe about ourselves has been formed, by six it is sixty percent and by nine it is around eighty percent. By the time we reach the age of twelve, up to ninety percent of us have a well developed sense of who we are and what we believe ourselves to be.

Self-esteem: holding a favourable impression of one-self is a basic human need. It's a measure of our self acceptance, and also indispensable to normal and healthy self-development. The experience of being competent to cope with the day to day challenges of life and being worthy of happiness, is a simple measure of our self-esteem, and a basic element in the health of every human being. All of us have the ability to, at any time, recreate and rebuild our self-esteem so that it better serves us.

I think... Our self-image is an automatic and inevitable consequence of what we choose to believe. It is a reflection of our reactions to past events and experiences. However those experiences have not made us the way we are; they have made us believe that's the way we are. Ultimately however we have the power to decide what we will believe about ourselves, and therefore we should not accept self limiting beliefs imposed on us by others. Life has conditioned us to respond to things in certain ways, and our responses have lead to certain choices. Many people are unaware of why they respond to things as they do, and that their choices are automatic. Have you ever examined the beliefs you hold?

I feel... Our self-esteem is all about how we feel; our emotions. Our emotions are triggered by our thoughts and they are the key to personal effectiveness. They prescribe the way we act and react in life however we can change our actions and reactions by changing the way we link our beliefs and emotions.

I act... People with low self-esteem tend to react to events and circumstances. However this inevitably leads to a life of impoverishment and lost opportunity. People with high self-esteem instead choose to respond and strive to create a life of action. Often when faced with a new challenge we can become frozen by fear. Fear is simply a thought, mostly an irrational thought. Therefore, when we examine and identify our self-limiting beliefs and understand the impact they have, we have the opportunity to create new possibilities. Our future life swings on the doors we open and the doors we close every day. 

To live more effectively and to make our way more successfully in this world we should seek to align our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions. One important way we can achieve alignment is to let go of past mistakes. Mistakes are as much a part of life as breathing and I speak as someone who has made more than my share. When we make a mistake we tend to blame ourselves, however another more empowering way to relate to and resolve our mistakes is to acknowledge them, see them as learning opportunities, internalise the lessons they hold and then move on.

The final thought is from Dr. Joe Rubino - "We diminish ourselves when we lose sight of our magnificence and forget that we have special qualities, talents and gifts that would be of benefit to others. Abdicating responsibility for our greatness cheats the world because we short-change our potential to impact others with the special gifts only we can offer. One way to handle this preoccupation with our fears is to focus on worthwhile achievements that are much more significant than our petty concerns. Committing to worthwhile and lofty goal allows us to shift our focus from our concerns and problems and builds our self-image and self-esteem in the process." 

To Your Success,
Lloyd Dobson  :)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How To "Make Money With NetDivvy" a FREE Training & Marketing System by "NetDivvy"

Can you really make money with the NetDivvy System? The answer.... simply is YES! There are a myriad of other training and marketing systems out there all promising to make you a better marketer. While most of them can and will help you, it will come at a price. The simplest systems run around $50 per month and the most in depth and detailed cost over $200 each month. NetDivvy does everything all the expensive systems do, but it doesn't cost you a dime!

NetDivvy has created this site and this business to give people a chance to see what it's like to earning money online... odds are once you make your first dollar, and you see how easy that was you won't be able to quit. NetDivvy has designed the most duplicable training system this industry has ever seen, and the results speak for themselves. The most important principle in building your business online is learning to generate leads. Once you master it, you can systematically build ANY business you want.


Watch the following short video for more information:
Get Your FREE Training & Marketing System


They teach you to generate leads, sign people up in your primary business better than anyone. They also give you the ability to make money from leads that don't join your primary opportunity by giving people a funded proposal where you can earn money in a number of different ways all from people taking advantage of the company's training and marketing tools and again all for FREE.

The first thing new marketers need is a website. NetDivvy gives people a number of high converting capture pages that people can use for EVERY marketing strategy. They are very easy to set up if you are technically challenged, but they also provide a great deal of customization for more advanced advertising venues like Google Adwords. The company also provides customized blogs so people can use them as a centralized hub for their business.

Once you have a website and a blog, the next the next step is to drive targeted traffic to that site. NetDivvy's marketing and advertising training is second to none. Their step by step instructions on how to generate leads with every top strategy are easy to follow and detailed enough for even the most technically challenged people. Their exclusive instruction on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Craigslist, Blogging, Google Adwords, Yahoo search, Bing, ezines, and SEO cannot be found anywhere else.

All the top earners in the industry maximize their earnings by generating a list of opt in subscribers and building relationships with them over time through email, video, and blog posts. They market products and services to that list that will help them build their businesses thus generating revenue. NetDivvy shows you how to use email as a point of leverage to communicate with your list on a regular basis and build relationships over time that will result in a loyal following.

All new businesses take an investment of time and money to become profitable. NetDivvy gives brand new network marketers a place to start so they can learn all the best marketing strategies, how to become a true leader in the industry, and how to maximize their earnings all without spending a dime.
FREE TRAINING and MARKETING SYSTEM taking ANY online business to the next level.

Bring in 10-15 leads per day using simple strategies for FREE at: FREE TRAINING and MARKETING

To your success!

Lloyd Dobson  :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Promoting Your Internet Business

Promoting your Internet business is one of the most important steps to becoming  successful online, and should be treated as such. But you don’t know where to begin to generate yourself some leads? That happens among many of us that join a Internet business opportunity, you are not alone. Aside from the amount of time it takes in the beginning, spending a significant amount of time on promoting is crucial. How is your Internet business going to succeed if no one knows about it? It isn’t going to promote itself, after all is it. Now you need to develop a plan for promoting your Internet business. Here are some marketing tips to consider:

1.  How much money can you afford to invest in promoting your Internet business? Those of you who have been successful in your Internet business will have more money to spend than those of you who have just started. Still, there are inexpensive ways for promoting your Internet business. Consider websites that allow you to build free websites of your own, such as Yahoo! Geocities, taking out ads in your local classifieds, and most importantly word-of-mouth. Later, when you have more money, you can invest in your own business website, and even pay for advertising space on other major websites.

2. Get the word out about your online business by joining discussion forums related to your area of business. Post links back to your website and exchange links with other businesses that are relevant but not in direct competition with your business. Be careful what websites you associate with or link to. Only allow your links to be posted on high quality websites.Only post links of your website to others that you have researched thoroughly.This will improve your page ranking and help your progress up on the search engine results page.

3. Promote your business on social networking sites like Myspace, Facebook or twitter. Find groups of like-minded people, and join their network or group. There are many of these types of websites available online perfect for networking, brainstorming and promoting your Internet business.This is a great method, which is really taken off. So do not discount the power of social networking and social bookmarking.

4.  Article Writing – Writing articles is another great way to generate a lot of quality traffic as well as make a name for yourself on the internet. All you do is focus on quality content that provides value to the reader.write on a topic you know about and submit it to places that accept article submissions. Google rewards those who consistently publish fresh, new content regularly.

Promoting your Internet business will not be easy in the beginning—just like every other step in making your Internet business dream a reality, it will take hard work and dedication. Use these points to help you in promoting your Internet business in an organized manner, and soon your business will start promoting itself!

To your success!
Lloyd Dobson

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Master The Art of Email Through Autoresponder Secrets

AutoResponder Secrets

Email/Autoresponders –
If you can master the art of email you can grow any business you choose through Autoresponders. It’s that simple. Once you’ve began building your list, email becomes the best way to leverage your time and communication with all of your subscribers.
It doesn’t take any more time to email 1,000 people than it does to email just one. Communication with your list is all about building relationships over time and if you can master this skill, it becomes infinitely easier to be successful in ANY online business.
Email instantly gives you the appearance of authority. People receiving your emails don’t know you from a hole in the ground. They don’t know if you’ve been marketing online for a week, a month, or 10 years. If you provide some valuable insight and give them information they either didn’t know before, or something that can help them solve problems they are having in their businesses you immediately become someone of influence in their business…someone who “knows what they are talking about.”
To give you an example, if you’re calling a lead you bought from some list and that person picks up the phone, what are they immediately thinking? Probably something like “who the heck is this guy/girl and what are they trying to sell me?” right? However, if someone finds your site, opts in to your list and starts reading your broadcasts, whether they know it or not, you become an authority figure.
You become like the teacher in the front of the room and your subscribers are the students raising their hands by simply communicating value to your list.
Whatever business you are in, you NEED an autoresponder to start communicating with your list. An autoresponder is simply a program that stores all of your leads and gives you the ability to email them all at once through what’s called a “broadcast.”
Autoresponders are great because they have a high level of deliverability. Deliverability is the rate at which your email broadcasts get to the inbox of your recipients. If you were to send an email to 1000 people from your yahoo or gmail, it would only get to a very low percentage of people because it would be seen by most mail hosts as spam. A good autoresponder, however, has over a 99% deliverability rate because they have worked over time to be trusted sources by almost all internet service providers. We recommend that you either use Getresponse or Aweber because of their ease of use and extremely high deliverability rates. Sign up for them here:____________________________
Remember, we’re teaching you to market like the big boys…the MOST successful people in the industry. ALL the top marketers have and regularly use autoresponders. They are a MUST HAVE.
Autoresponders serve 2 functions.
  1. They give you the ability to broadcast messages to your list whenever you want and
  2. They give you the ability to create an autoresponder series (a list of messages that will go out at pre determined intervals)
When people respond to my Netdivvy site, we have a series of messages going out to them over an 8 day period designed to get people to take a closer look at our company and directing them to sign up.
We also recommend that you begin to communicate with your list via broadcasts. There is just something about live communication that builds trust and relationships faster than automated messages. Usually as you become more advanced in your business you will start to use the broadcast function more and work on the relationship.
Actually writing the broadcasts and automated messages is not difficult at all. For your automated messages, simply remember what your goal is. If it’s trying to sign someone up in your primary business, make sure to consistently direct them back to your website explaining it so they can watch videos on compensation, products, and the company itself. Also make sure you actually INSTRUCT THEM TO SIGN UP and GET STARTED in your emails. Don’t beat around the bush. It will increase your success rates if you simply ask people to join.
When writing broadcasts remember to provide value. We talk a lot about this because it is the cornerstone of building relationships. When you provide something of value for people in your broadcasts, you are perceived as someone who knows what they are doing and someone of authority. It becomes infinitely easier to recruit if you are perceived as an authority figure rather than just someone trying to sign someone else up in a business.
To your success,
Lloyd Dobson
More Training Tips by CLICKING HERE

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Tax Tips Home-Based Businesses Can Bank On"

Does Congress ever think about the consequences when they pass legislation?

In your home-based business, do you ever pay $600 or more ~ over the course of the entire year ~ to any vendors, suppliers, stores, print shops, etc.?

Of course!
Auto ship purchases?
Post Office or UPS?
Staples or Office Depot?
Kinko's or Print Shops?

Surprise! Quietly tucked into the "Obamacare" health bill is a little item that has nothing to do with healthcare, but a LOT to do with your small business.

Here Is What Happened: Congress thinks there are a lot of businesses that are not reporting all their income and thus under-paying their taxes. So their brilliant solution? A new law will force every taxpayer who spends $600 or more with any individual or company, to file a 1099 at the end of the year for every single one of them.

Yes, that includes companies like Best Buy, United Airlines, and Vista Print, in addition to individuals such as independent contractors, freelancers, etc. This requirement specifically includes Corporations, which were formally exempt from this requirement.

As a home-based business owner you may need to begin collecting Employer Identification Numbers from the sales clerk the Mac Store, your cell phone company, your internet service provider and even your landlord.

The Commissioner of the IRS, recognizing the huge additional burden this places on taxpayers (as well as the IRS computer system!), claims they will be looking at a variety of options for minimizing the impact.

He has mentioned only ONE so far: Since the IRS already requires all credit card companies and banking institutions to turn over their complete records to the IRS every year (including overseas transactions), you may be able to get out of filing 1099s for companies you pay by credit card or debit card.

Although it is always better to pay any business expense with a credit card, because it provides additional documentation. We may soon have another incentive to do so.

Possible good news? This legal new requirement does not go into effect until 2012 so there is still time for Congress to come to their senses and rescind the law, or for the IRS to find ways to streamline the requirement.

Did You Hear The 'Cell Phone' Tax Deduction Announcement? The IRS has issued a "Safe Harbor" ruling That means "you do not have to follow this, but if you do, the IRS auditors will not challenge you". The ruling says that if you have a cell phone that is primarily for business purposes, you may claim 75% of the costs as a tax-deductible business expense and no special record keeping required.

You may find more tax saving strategies from Ronald R. Mueller, MDA, Ph.D. by visiting his website located at: 

Make it a great day!
Lloyd Dobson  :)

"Tax Tips Home-Based Businesses Can Bank On"



In your home-based business, do you ever pay $600
or more -- over the course of the entire year -- to any
vendors, suppliers, stores, print shops, etc.  

Of course!
       Autoship purchases?
       Post Office or UPS?
       Staples or Office Depot?
       Kinko's or a Print Shop?

Quietly tucked into the "Obamacare" health bill is
a little item that has nothing to do with healthcare,
but a LOT to do with your small business.

Here's what happened.
Congress thinks a lot of businesses aren’t reporting
all of their income, and thus under-paying their taxes.
So their brilliant solution?

A new law will force every taxpayer who spends $600
or more with any individual person or company, to
file a 1099 at the end of the year for every single
one of them.

Yes, that includes companies like Best Buys, United
Airlines, and Vista Print, in addition to individuals
such as Independent Contractors, freelancers, etc.

This requirement specifically includes Corporations,
which were formerly exempt from this requirement.

As a home-based business owner, you may need

to begin collecting Employer Identification Numbers
from the sales clerk at the Mac Store, your cell phone
company, your internet service provider, and even
your landlord. 

The Commissioner of the IRS, recognizing the huge
additional burden this places on taxpayers (as well
as the IRS computer system!), claims they will be
looking at a variety of options for minimizing the

He has mentioned only ONE so far:
Since the IRS already requires all credit card
companies and banking institutions to turn over
their complete records to the IRS every year
(including overseas transactions), you may be
able to get out of filing 1099s for companies
you pay by credit card or debit card. 

Although it is always better to pay any business
expense by credit card, because it provides
additional documentation.  We may soon have
another incentive to do so.

Possible good news? 
This new legal requirement doesn't go into effect
until 2012 so there still is time for Congress to
come to its senses and rescind the law, or for
the IRS to find ways to streamline the requirement.

Did you hear the 'Cell Phone' Tax
Deduction Announcement?  

Ronald Mueller is asked many times about tax-deductions 
for cellular phones, that I want to make sure you know this --

The IRS has issued a "Safe Harbor" ruling. That
"you do not have to follow this, but if you do,
the auditors will not challenge you."

The ruling says if you have a cell phone that is primarily
for business purposes, you may claim 75% of the costs
as a tax-deductible business expense -- and no special
record keeping is required.

You may find out more information concerning the advantages
of owning a home-based business when it comes to tax
strategies by visiting Ronald R Mueller, MBA, Ph.D website at
the following link:

Make it a great day!

Lloyd Dobson