Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Truth Behind "Mobile Monopoly" - Is It a Scam? | by Lloyd Dobson

Many people don't know that it's possible to make a living online, or at least a good extra income. Most think you have to have to go to college and have a great job to make a lot of money these days. Well if you think that way, I'm about to really surprise you, and show you exactly how you can make a lot of money online starting now! The truth behind Mobile Monopoly, it is not a scam!!

This is happening right now - the old online “money holes” are freezing over… the mother load is going mobile… and all the “old school” marketers are left shifting the deck chairs around before their ship goes down.

In fact… this is set to be the biggest “redistribution” of wealth online since before the dot-com “tech wreck” of the early 90's: All those “experts” sitting pretty on top of big, lumbering businesses are in for a rough ride… with this product called Mobile Monopoly.

… and if you're JUST STARTING OUT, new and nimble with nothing to “unlearn”… you're about to get in on the ground floor and skip right to where it would have taken you years to get to fighting it out on Google.

And it's not just me saying it - the companies on the inside of this trend watching it play out are scrambling to “reinvent” themselves from scratch to make mobile their new best friend.Mobile Monopoly has postured itself to be in the driver's seat of the 21st century

• It's why Google's not calling itself a “search engine” anymore - their new mantra's “mobile first”… and they're going on the record warning…


*  It's why Apple doesn't want to be in the “computer business” anymore - they're a “mobile company” now!
And the facts prove it's not just some “fad”… because…

* There are already 5 billion people walking around with mobile phones --that means mobile is already nearly five times bigger than the Internet

* (Since you are going to be one of the first people to REALLY get into mobile marketing, you need to understand just how huge this is.)

* Apple just sold over 2 million more iPhones… and Google's bragging that their customers are activating 160,000 Droid smartphones a day!

(that's at the same time the biggest maker of desktop PC's is on the verge of bankruptcy)…

*More than HALF of all new Internet connections are from mobile “smartphones”… and…

* These 5 billion cell phone owners… 51 million+ smartphone surfers… are carrying these pocket-size computers around with them around the clock!

* (get this: 91% of Americans keep their cell phone within three feet of them 24/7… and about a third of people with a cell phone would rather be without their wallet than their phone!)

* Think about it:  If you timed out how much of the day you spent with your cell phone vs. sitting at your computer… it wouldn't even be close, would it?

* (Yet most marketers have no clue how to market to people who aren't glued to a desktop PC!)

A critical key is to make sure you do it in a way that will not be perceived by the recipient as annoying or an intrusion. The way it works is you purchase an advertising block of a fixed amount. A $50 advertising block is typical when it comes to marketing via cell phones. Your message about the product you found at ClickBank gets sent to tens of thousands of cell phone owners. You only pay something when the user "clicks" on your advertisement. A very small amount of about 5 or so cents per click.

Here is something to consider. Most of the items on ClickBank will pay you a commission amount of between $22-$55. Let us say 1 out of every 100 phone owners who clicks on your ad buys the product. At 5 cents a click your total cost for a sale is $5. Even for a $22 product sale your STILL making a $17 profit. Even if only 1 in 200 people who click on your cell phone ad buy your still making a decent profit.

There is a FANTASTIC program, Mobile Monopoly, teaches you exactly, step by step, with 18 videos how to make money with mobile phones. It is the next generation for marketers. For more information on Mobile Monopoly you may CLICK HERE NOW

To your success,Mobile Monopoly,
Lloyd Dobson  :)

Lloyd Dobson is an expert trainer on how to utilize proper online marketing techniques and strategies that can help you with ANY online business. Learn exactly how to generate more leads without cold calling, buying expensive leads or chasing your friends by clicking this link: MY FREE MARKETING SYSTEM SECRETS


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Review: Is The "Numis Graded Silver & Gold" Coin Opportunity a Scam? Accumulate & Collect True Wealth with Numis | by Lloyd Dobson

This article may be a little different than others you've read reviewing the Numis opportunity.You are most likely reading this article because you are interested in making some extra money on the internet. You are doing a smart thing simply because the internet is a billion dollar industry. Do not be discouraged by the "naysayers" saying you can't make money online. Don't listen to them. The truth is they have no idea what they are doing. Most marketers lack some very basic training and marketing strategies stopping them from success.You most likely ran across the Numis opportunity and want to know if it's a scam, here's my input on it.

Coins are cool! This is the operating slogan of Numis Network, an MLM business that deals with coin collectibles. People who collect coins as a hobby are sure to take notice of this business. Here's a Numis Network review that will take you through the pros and cons of the MLM opportunity.


Gold and silver are recession resistant commodities. You'd have noticed the rise in prices of precious metals even when world economies were reeling under financial crisis. This was the idea behind creating the Numis network; a business that deals in numismatic coins.

The Numis Network was started by Ian Cordell, Christopher Kent and Jake Kevorkian with support from Mike Mezack, a noted numismatist. The three founders have vast experience in network marketing and their leadership is one of the major assets of this company.

What Is It About?

Collecting coins has been a treasured hobby for many people who know that the value of such coins keep increasing with time. Numis Network has introduced the system of grading to authenticate collectible coins and assist in ascertaining their value. The merchandise in this business is modern gold and silver coins issued by various Government mints from all over the world.

Since the value of these precious metals keep increasing, these are said to be valuable assets to hold. The coins are marketed as a worthwhile investment to hold as well as to gift.

The Opportunity

There are two ways to make money in this business; one is to invest in graded coins and wait till they appreciate in value. Another is to become a partner in the business and spread the word to other coin collectors.


You can become a distributor by paying an initial cost of $99 and thereafter $9.95 per ­month. In this category, you'll need to generate minimum sales of $100 each month to qualify for commissions. You can also become a Fast Track representative by paying initial fee of $495 and $99 per month. This package entitles you to a beginner pack, a Silver Eagle collectible coin, training videos, lead management and marketing programs and email marketing campaign.

A Binary commission system is followed; this allows even beginners to make money on par with experienced distributors.

Why Join Numis Network?

This is an MLM business with a difference. While most other network marketers sell health drinks or cosmetics; you'd be improving the financial health of your customers by selling coins. While stocking up on health products may prove disadvantageous in those businesses, you'd only gaining by keeping a stock of coins as these appreciate in value over time.


The company lays a lot of emphasis on grading coins to authenticate their value; however experts feel graded coins should be placed at par in value with non-graded coins. The fact that they are graded alone does not make these coins greater in value.


XAG Network - This is an upcoming network marketing company that deals in silver Bullion coins. The cost of joining this company is much cheaper than Numis since it's very new. The MLM Company has a 5 x 8 matrix which offers good scope of income for distributors. Being in pre-launch until June 2010 there is not much to say until the company goes live. With bullion there is little room for markup and if the market crashes so does the company.

Silver Coin Reserve - This is a gold and silver coins acquisition program that allows members to invest in silver bullion coins on a monthly basis. Bullion type coins fluctuate with the price of the market. Network marketing is based on word of mouth and having a built in charge to pay for sales and team development. When one can exactly see what the silver and gold is valued at there is very little room to price products to pay reps.

JR Mayer Collections is another large numismatic dealer that's in partnership with GoldQuest International Ltd. The latter is an MLM company that operates in several countries. JR Mayer has been around for more than ten years and known throughout the world for its numismatic business. Looking at the website one gets the feeling it's an international based company that doesn't exactly scream value.

Numis Knacks

The company claims to give you a winning business by offering you a free replica website. This may help you get some orders when people click on your site; but it's not going to help you when all distributors have a similar site. You'd need to know techniques that will help differentiate your link from others. There are several online tools that you can employ to give your website a better reach.

Lloyd Dobson has brought the best out of hundreds of Internet Marketers by helping them create wealth for their own network marketing business. Success in any network marketing business is built with knowing the secrets to online marketing like Blogging, Article Writing, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Classifieds and many more. Get your F-R-E-E training mastering these marketing methods and many others at: MY FREE ONLINE MARKETING SYSTEM.

If you are serious about your future, you will want to register for my FREE 8 day Internet Lead Generation Video Boot Camp.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Declarations Will Help You Design Your Ideal Day

We all use language every day in many different ways. We use it to not only describe our world but also design it. And when we do we are using one or more linguistic acts. When Martin Luther King Jr. stated: 'I have a dream.....' When John F. Kennedy stated: 'We will put a man on the moon by....' They declared with those words new possibilities; a new destiny. They used a declaration, which is future focused language to cause what previously did not exist to exist. When you state: 'I will become a...' and: 'I love you...' and perhaps latter: 'I do...' You declare a new possibility. You literally use language to design a different future. Language is powerful and of all the linguistic acts declarations are the most powerful. 

And this has an impact on how we set goals. Many people have goals that remain goals forever. Why is that so? Generally it's because their goals aren't expressed clearly and concisely. What many think are goals are really just dreams with little hope of realization. However don't despair here's how you can change that. A certain magic occurs whenever you place pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and make a declaration that describes how you intend your life to be. As a result your thoughts will become real.

If I asked you to describe your ideal day right now, could you? Many could not. And this is a problem because it's only when we can describe our desired life in detail that out nonconscious mind can create it.  Responding with something vague such as; I want to be wealthy someday; doesn't give your mind a definite target to aim for. How do you define wealthy? Is it $50,000, $500,000 or $5,000,000? And when is someday? Is it this month, this year or ten years?

To leverage the possibility of living the life you want, you must first declare exactly how you wish your life to be. Your ideal day should stimulate your imagination; it should be exciting and evocative. You get to write anything you'd like. Don't limit your ideas. Is it possible for you to......?  Yes it is, and that's all your mind needs to know. Don't worry about how you will make it a reality. Your non-conscious mind will work on that. Just concentrate on the what, and the why, and allow your non-conscious mind to create the how. So now set aside an hour of undisturbed time with no distractions and develop your ideal day.

Step 1: You can use a pen and paper or type. I prefer to type because it makes editing easier. As you live your life; your vision of your ideal day will change. It's perfectly normal that it should evolve as you do.

Step 2: Start from the time you awake, and paint a vivid word picture of your day. Describe your partner and family; how and where you work, your home and it's décor; your health and daily routine. Describe your day in intimate detail. With this exercise you are literally creating your future. You declare yourself as you want to be, where and how you want to live, who you want to share your life with, and how you will earn your income. Crafting your ideal day infuses emotion into your view of the life you wish to lead. This provides momentum and motivation and causes your mind to shift your beliefs and behaviors and create it as your reality. The more emotion you evoke, the more it will impact your non-conscious mind.

Step 3: Once a week, set time aside to review and rewrite your ideal day. As you do develop your day in more detail, and invest your thoughts with even more emotion and enthusiasm. Whenever your mind discerns a difference between your inner and outer worlds, internal tension is created. This tension triggers your nonconscious mind to provide you with ideas, opportunities, and motivation, and as a result it will instinctively move to align your inner and outer worlds.

As you regularly revisit this process you can make whatever alterations you wish. Changes will occur over time, and things that were previously important may become less important. You will know what to change when what you're reading doesn't resonate anymore. Declaring how your life will be is one of the most dramatic things you can do to generate profound change. It causes you to think about what's most important and how you want your world to be. So start now; describe your ideal day.

To Your Success,

Lloyd Dobson

Learn how to utilize proper online marketing techniques and strategies that can help you with ANY online business. Learn exactly how to generate more leads without cold calling, buying expensive leads or chasing your friends by clicking this link: MY FREE MARKETING SYSTEM SECRETS