Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Increase Your YouTube Video and Channel Viewers Fast? | How To Increase Your YouTube Video Views In 5 Steps

Obtaining viewers for your YouTube videos and for your YouTube Channel is a critical fundamental for your success as a rounded Internet Marketer. In this article I will be sharing with you how to drive targeted traffic and increase your viewers on your videos, as well as your YouTube channel.

There are hundreds of thousands of people on the internet who like to watch YouTube videos instead of reading long articles. As an internet marketer, you must target them with creating some interesting videos on YouTube. Would you like to know 5 easy tips to help you obtain thousands of those viewers? Be happy to know that, in this article, I will give you 5 good tips on how to get more views on YouTube.

• The first tip is: Title Optimization:
The first thing you need to do is to optimize the title of the video. Add keywords that people usually look for on YouTube. Basically you must add the type of keywords that people are searching for on Google and YouTube. The easy way to do that is is to think for yourself what would you be searching for when you are looking?

Often it is something like: "How to . . . .?" And then the topic of your video.

• My second tip is Optimization the Description:
Make sure the description area is optimized also. What do I mean by that? First make sure you have your website address in the first line of the description. And also make sure you use: http:// and then your website name (e.g. ) like mine. This makes it into a e link you can click on.

Now someone can get to your website or blog. I have noticed many YouTube channels that do not have links people can click on in their descriptions. And many have thousands of views. You obviously want people to get to your website. Also write the description like a blog. Tell a little story about your video.

Also don't be afraid to write a lot of relevant content inside the description area; because Google and YouTube will look at the content and different keywords you are using to see if your video is really relevant to the searches that are made on YouTube and Google. Don't be afraid again to write a lot of content.

• Next Optimization Tags: These are the keywords that you need to enter in the tag area. Make sure these tags are optimized keywords people are searching for. The easy way to find out the keywords relevant to your video is to type into the YouTube Search Box one word that relates to your video and than you will see a whole bunch of suggestions that YouTube will give you. This is a real easy way to find the keyword or phrases.

• My fourth tip is Run Competitions:
Running races is a great option for you, cool. It may surprise you that there are some channels on YouTube that organize some events and give away a lot of things as gifts to the winners. Once you organize races, people love to participate on this and tell their friends about the competition. Then, run a few races and get tons of traffic to your site.

• The fifth tip is to co-op in Joint ventures:
Making joint venture is a great way to get more exposure on YouTube. Look at YouTube as a huge Joint Venture Machine where you can find other people in your niche. They are very popular on YouTube and have thousands of friends, subscribers and traffic.
Ask them for an interview and upload it to your channel. It is a good way to get better exposure on YouTube. Always GIVE value and not take the mindset of what you can get.

As an Internet Marketer, you must apply the tips above to get more views on YouTube. However, remember to follow the 5 steps out lined above. Optimize your title, Optimize your description, Optimize your tags, run the competitors and do joint ventures.

You may find out more information concerning increasing your YouTube Viewers by visiting HERE:

Go out and make it your best day ever!

Lloyd Dobson

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Lloyd Dobson is an expert trainer on how to utilize proper online marketing techniques and strategies that can help you with ANY online business. Learn exactly how to generate more leads without cold calling, buying expensive leads or chasing your friends by clicking this link: MY FREE MARKETING SYSTEM SECRETS at


Sheena PrailleauRN said...

Thank you for the tiips for you tube participating in a video challenege canalso get the ball rolling

Left or Right Brained said...

Very informative post, Lloyd. Thank you so much for sharing. Do you have any recommendations on which tool we could use to look for keywords?

Cherrie Bautista

Janiece Thompson said...


Excellent post on how to increase YouTube followers! I always just add additional keywords in my I think I will try to be more descriptive so that YouTube an Google will have more of a reason to index me in my keyword niche. The interview tip was also awesome and I will be trying that soon on my channel.

Thanks again for the excellent information!

Shari Weiss said...

This is the second article I read today advising the use of the URL on the first line of the YouTube video description, so it must be serendipitous . . . and right on.
One other piece of advice, a kind of "secret" tip is to find popular videos that are in your niche and use the same tags. Then if someone views that popular video, yours might come up as a related video.

lindagrace said...

I appreciate this post! I have been interested in YouTube from the beginning of my time blogging, yet I haven't put my focus there. This post is exactly what I need to make it happen!
Thank you!

Unknown said...

Hello, Lloyd, glad to be on your blog again.

Thanks you for the great tips. I have not yet really gotten into the video marketing part of my business; and yes, shame on me! I do know better, it's just getting it done. You have helped me feel more confident in doing so!

Great post, Lloyd.


Wendy Hewlett said...

These are all great tips Lloyd! You definitely want to make sure your video shows up on the first page in the search engines.


Willena Flewelling said...

Sounds like doing YouTube videos is not a whole lot different from blogging. I have never made a video myself, but I enjoy watching others' content. I look forward to learning to do that in not too distant future.

Willena Flewelling