In order to have a new beginning you must have the courage necessary to make a change. By observing your faults with objectivity and resolution you will gain the strength of character necessary to eliminate them. How would you like to be the predominant force in your life, to truly be in control of your life, to not be affected by external circumstances, to not be affected by what others do or do not do, to not be affected by how others act or respond?
We have all been conditioned to believe that our power and security lies outside of us. A person may say, "Yes, I want to be in control of my life but you don't understand I have no money." That means nothing. "Yes, but I live in a small town." That means nothing. "Yes, but I have no contacts." That means nothing. Are you willing to make the decision to be the predominant force in your life or not? That is what means something! In fact, that means everything!
Self-management is about making a choice to be in control of your own destiny. To make a choice to no longer be the victim of your own self-imposed limitations, to no longer be a victim or just a player in someone Else's drama. Self-management gives you a choice to work for your goals and dreams instead of working for someone Else's. It is making a choice to never again let money be a factor in how you live your life.
Once the choice is made you will have a whole new basis for dealing with the challenges you face in everyday life and in your business. Being a success in your business or a success in life for that matter requires an understanding of some basic principles of self-management, the first of which is decision making.
We all make thousands of decisions everyday. Some are big decisions and some are small ones. You decide when to get up in the morning and what you are going to wear for the day. You decide to eat breakfast, to drive to work, to stop at traffic lights. You know that if you don't get into the car and drive to work, you won't get paid. You know that in your business, or at least you should by now, that if you don't talk to people and teach others to do the same you don't build a business and you don't get paid. You know that if you don't stop at red lights you could have an accident.
Based upon the firm decisions we make we attract the result of that decision into our lives. It is called the "Law of Attraction." As we discussed before, a firm decision to do a certain thing doesn't allow for anything less creates a mindset and puts the "Law of Attraction" in motion. If you make a decision to be successful in your business, one that doesn't allow failing, you will create the mindset necessary to attract success into your life.
There are two main problems that enter into the equation. One, we make decisions based upon past experiences and our current circumstances instead of what we truly want in our lives. And two, we are often too quick to change our decisions which are all too often influenced by our current circumstances or past experiences.
Making decisions can become like an "Inner civil war." It is like being judge, the jury and attorney for both the defense and the prosecution of your own mental courtroom. You make a case for yourself. "I'm going to be a success in any business." Then the prosecuting attorney steps in (the old you). "But Your Honor he's never been a success before. Here's concrete evidence of all the past failures he's had. You can't allow him to be successful with a track record like that!"
The very first step in self-management is getting rid of your internal conflicting dialogue . . . your self-judgment. We really have one or two choices in everything we do. We can make a choice of intelligence or we make a choice out of convenience. Convenience is the easy way out. We can choose to be our unwanted circumstances or not. It is as simple as that!
The next step in self-management is to get started, to take action. This can be difficult sometimes because it's hard to see your progress initially and your fears will always attempt to hold you back. We all have them to one degree or the other. Not that they are really in control but it can sure feel that way sometimes. Just remember with every action no matter how small you are building a foundation for your future.
Your progress will depend on three things:
(1) The clarity of your daily action plan.
(2) The amount of effort you put forth.
(3) How well you manage your fears and self-imposed limitations.
Self-management basically boils down to this: It's your ability to manage your attitude, thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors. It is developing the capacity to always remain resourceful despite your circumstances. It's being able to see a resourceful solution to your challenges instead of being blinded by them.
To your success!
Lloyd Dobson :)
FREE Training & Marketing System:
Some fundamental keys to success. How to become all that you can become by applying some fundamentals that have worked for all who have accomplished their dreams and goals.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Become The Sponsor You Never Had . . .
Become The Sponsor You Never Had . . .
As Network Marketers, most of us have searched and searched for a simple yet effective way to "Clone" ourselves; knowing that if we could overcome the duplication problem we would reach the levels of success we ALL dream about in this business.
The problem is that 95% of the people in a MLM business usually fail. The inability to duplicate, I believe, has a lot to do with it. Let’s say the 95% failure rate is accurate for a minute... I’m not the best at math, but that would mean that 5% of the people in this business are successful and some probably wildly successful? It’s also likely that most of us are recruited into a program by someone in the 95% category.
Now for those of us that want to join the ranks of the 5%, it’s our job to sift through as many prospects as we can until we find other 5%’ers like us; people who want to work hard and build a long term residual income business.
The problem for me was I had to figure out how to do this while I kept my full time job. My family needed health insurance and while I can’t stand my current job, it does provide us with needed things such as insurance and helps pay a few bills.
The solution for me was to build a system that sorted and sifted for me while I was working at my full time job. The great part about it (and honestly shocking too) is that it worked like crazy and my team started to explode. It literally felt like I hit the JACKPOT at a casino or something. With one big difference though... I get paid every month and it keeps growing and growing with each passing month :-) You can find out more about this FREE Marketing & Training System by clicking this link:
For now, lets talk more about the solution. It’s simple actually...You need to "Become The Sponsor You Never Had" (as I like to call it) and become a leader for others to follow. That’s it... it really is THAT simple! Become the pro in this industry by providing value. Everyone wants to become successful . . .show them how by using the system called NetDivvy and you can find out more here:
Do you think you’re up for it? I didn’t think I was when I first started...But I did know one thing... If I didn’t step up to the plate right then and give it a shot, when would I? Tomorrow? Next week? Maybe Never...
Would I step up to the plate "after" I became successful (never works that way) or would I step up right then and start leading? It was at that point that I made the strengthening decision to take charge of my
life and start branding myself as a leader in this business and it was the best decision I have ever made!
Now, before you take the same plunge, the one thing you must "Get" first is that it all starts from within you... The strengthening decision to become a leader and really go for it is the first step and one you must take seriously and follow through on. That really is the true secret to this whole crazy "success" thing.
By stepping up and becoming the sponsor you never had, you will end up in the 5% ranks much sooner, opposed to later or never. And just to be clear... when I say "Become The Sponsor You Never Had" I’m mainly referring to a mindset or philosophy... The philosophy of wanting more from life and knowing that helping people and making a difference is what’s it’s really all about.
That mental shift is all I needed in order to help my team expand and duplicate. This same mental shift may be all you need to take your business to the next level. Only you will know. Once I stopped thinking about "making money" and started thinking about how to help others make money is when I started to make money. (Read that sentence slowly one more time)
My confidence level seemed to skyrocket too after I stopped focusing on how "I" could make money. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but if you’re in a tight spot right now and needing money is your main motivation for getting involved in network marketing... your chances of attaining success will be severely hindered.
Hindered, yes. Impossible, no. Join my team on "NetDivvy" to begin branding yourself into a leader and start succeeding It’s time to stop following the 95%’ers around and it’s time for YOU to start
leading them! Let’s get to work... GO HERE NOW:
Go out and make it a great day!
Lloyd Dobson :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Network Marketing - Your Mental Switch - Your Mindset
The mental switch of your mind and your mindset is absolutely critical in the direction of your journey towards your dreams towards success. I always elude to the equation for success as very simply this: KNOWLEDGE + EXECUTION + a POSITIVE ATTITUDE = SUCCESS. With that said . . .Why a Network Marketing business and how does that relate to your "Mental Switch"?
The Network Marketing business give you the vehicle to have financial and time independence which seems to be the dreams of all of us. The trouble is most people want instant gratification. They don't really have the mindset or mental toughness to stick with anything long enough to make it work.
In addition they often have friends who have negative ideas about network marketing. They tried it and it didn't work for them or knew someone who had a bad experience. Their uncle Bob tried it and it didn't work for him so he discourages them from trying it. In my opinion that's called "the language of the poor." Because uncle Bob wasn't successful does not mean that network marketing doesn't work. It means uncle Bob didn't have the right mindset and mentoring to make it work. This is where a system and mindset MUST be the correct one to have success! Here is a FREE system that a person can use today and it will work. FREE Training & Marketing Strategies.
If you want to get ahead you have to open your mind and change some of the ways you look at things and not allow poverty minded people to influence you. If someone advises you about your financial future, about whether or not you should start a network marketing business, make sure that they are qualified to make recommendations. Everyone has an opinion about everything. The question is, is it worth listening to?
There is nothing wrong with network marketing. The failure rate is no higher than any other type of business. It's the mindset of the people who join and the lack on a system showing them exactly how to market their business. Here is the problem though. The average person or the "Uncle Bobs" of the world doesn't consider network marketing to be a real business. My question is this. How would someone who's never done well in any kind of business know what a real business is anyway? So why would you listen to their advise or be upset if they didn't want to join you?
Well . . .to become financially free you need more than a dream. You need a plan, a system, a vehicle and the right mindset to take you where you want to go. If I had it to start my career all over again back in those early years to get started in my own business, it would have been the Network Marketing Industry.
In a normal job somebody tells you how much money you make, when you come to work, when you can eat lunch, when you can go home, when you get a pay raise and even when to retire . . .or in some cases that you no longer have a job . . .or a retirement!
A Network Marketing business simply gives you more choices. And if you have more choices you have more freedom. That's what the world wants the freedom of choices and can't get it. We have all the freedom in the world and most don't make the choice to have it because of that "Mental Switch." Instead they let others dictate to them what they earn and how they live their lives . . .and that's a sad thing in my opinion.
There will always be the person, friend, the relative who says, "Why are you in the Network Marketing business? That kind of business doesn't work." Well all I can say is that if you let that person make your decisions then you're the one who loses. Job security is non-existent these days. Somebody sold you the wrong plan if you think differently.
Your success will begin with your mindset. The results you produce are always the result of your mindset. You create your mindset by making clear, firm decisions and and with that you expand your limitations. When your decisions, thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors are in perfect alignment, the conditions in your life will change like magic!
To your success and make it a great day!
Lloyd Dobson
My FREE Marketing & Training:
The Network Marketing business give you the vehicle to have financial and time independence which seems to be the dreams of all of us. The trouble is most people want instant gratification. They don't really have the mindset or mental toughness to stick with anything long enough to make it work.
In addition they often have friends who have negative ideas about network marketing. They tried it and it didn't work for them or knew someone who had a bad experience. Their uncle Bob tried it and it didn't work for him so he discourages them from trying it. In my opinion that's called "the language of the poor." Because uncle Bob wasn't successful does not mean that network marketing doesn't work. It means uncle Bob didn't have the right mindset and mentoring to make it work. This is where a system and mindset MUST be the correct one to have success! Here is a FREE system that a person can use today and it will work. FREE Training & Marketing Strategies.
If you want to get ahead you have to open your mind and change some of the ways you look at things and not allow poverty minded people to influence you. If someone advises you about your financial future, about whether or not you should start a network marketing business, make sure that they are qualified to make recommendations. Everyone has an opinion about everything. The question is, is it worth listening to?
There is nothing wrong with network marketing. The failure rate is no higher than any other type of business. It's the mindset of the people who join and the lack on a system showing them exactly how to market their business. Here is the problem though. The average person or the "Uncle Bobs" of the world doesn't consider network marketing to be a real business. My question is this. How would someone who's never done well in any kind of business know what a real business is anyway? So why would you listen to their advise or be upset if they didn't want to join you?
Well . . .to become financially free you need more than a dream. You need a plan, a system, a vehicle and the right mindset to take you where you want to go. If I had it to start my career all over again back in those early years to get started in my own business, it would have been the Network Marketing Industry.
In a normal job somebody tells you how much money you make, when you come to work, when you can eat lunch, when you can go home, when you get a pay raise and even when to retire . . .or in some cases that you no longer have a job . . .or a retirement!
A Network Marketing business simply gives you more choices. And if you have more choices you have more freedom. That's what the world wants the freedom of choices and can't get it. We have all the freedom in the world and most don't make the choice to have it because of that "Mental Switch." Instead they let others dictate to them what they earn and how they live their lives . . .and that's a sad thing in my opinion.
There will always be the person, friend, the relative who says, "Why are you in the Network Marketing business? That kind of business doesn't work." Well all I can say is that if you let that person make your decisions then you're the one who loses. Job security is non-existent these days. Somebody sold you the wrong plan if you think differently.
Your success will begin with your mindset. The results you produce are always the result of your mindset. You create your mindset by making clear, firm decisions and and with that you expand your limitations. When your decisions, thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors are in perfect alignment, the conditions in your life will change like magic!
To your success and make it a great day!
Lloyd Dobson
My FREE Marketing & Training:
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Three Key Qualities For Your Journey Through Life
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Saturday, July 3, 2010
There are 4 things that THE MOST successful online entrepreneurs do on a daily basis and if I were you, I’d try to incorporate them into my day as best I could. Vince Reed & Terry Dorland, well known online marketers and trainers spell out for us below. Their FREE Training and Marketing System with strategies to build ANY successful business can be found at:
1. Personal Development: Top leaders are always immersed in personal development and there’s a reason for it. This industry is all about growing and developing into the most accomplished entrepreneur you can be. Your business will only grow to the extent that you do…think about that…It all comes down to attraction. Think of yourself as a prospect, someone looking to join a company. Maybe you just heard about a new business, or were just turned on to the industry through an acquaintance or a friend. You Google the opportunity to find out more information and you find a few other distributors advertising the same business.
Your friend is focusing on the products, and how much money you can make and how great of an opportunity it is while someone you found online has some information on the same, BUT they are focused on what they can provide YOU. They outline details on all the training, coaching, and support they’ll provide you to teach you to market the business online and help you succeed. They offer websites, regular personal consultations, and have testimonials from other successful people on their team to prove it…Who would you join? Which is more attractive to the average person?
People don’t join companies, they join people. I can tell you from experience that when you provide people with more, when you are more valuable as a sponsor and a mentor in this industry, more people will join you. Not only will you sponsor more people, but it becomes easier and easier to sponsor people. They will be calling you to join you and emailing you to join your team rather than you chasing them and trying to convince them to join your business. In network marketing, you are in direct competition with everyone else in your company. The best distributors are either great salesmen, great marketers, great leaders, or a combination of the three.
Personal development in this industry comes down to building your value as a marketer, a salesmen, and a leader. Develop the skills in marketing you need, learn every technique and strategy so you have value to share with others. The more you can share, and the more you can teach, the more attractive you become to your prospects. Grow your leadership skills, become the best leader you can be and people will want to follow you. Leaders get out there and take action. They’re not afraid to speak their mind and be in front of a group of people sharing what they know. Learn to sell yourself and your opportunity. Believe in what you can provide to people and believe in your products and people will want to buy from you.
DailyRead books, listen to CD’s, attend conferences and learn whatever you can from whomever you can to add value to what you can provide to your potential business partners, and people will be naturally attracted to you!
2. Build A List. All top producers in our industry build a list of targeted leads and develop a relationship with that list. There are two types of prospects you can go after: People who are network marketing buyers, and everyone else. Network marketing buyers are people who already believe in the business model, they are either already involved with a networking company, have been in the past, or they would get involved if the right opportunity came along. Once people believe in the business model, it becomes infinitely easier to sign them up in your business provided you’ve built a relationship and positioned yourself as a leader.
Building a relationship and positioning yourself as a leaser takes time, but it starts with providing value. Share what you know with your leads, teach them strategies that have helped you, share stories about what you’ve learned and how you learned it in order to showcase your skills. Basically what you’re doing is telling people and showing people that you know what you’re doing without directly coming out and saying. Instead, you’re providing knowledge that they can go out and use to help them build their businesses and in turn showing them that you are someone that can help them get to where they want to be.
Once you’ve built a relationship and proven yourself to your prospects (everyone on your list) you can market products and services to them until the end of time! Any time you join a new business, find a great affiliate product, or just need to get some new distributors in your primary business you have a list of people that are receptive to your offers and willing to look at anything you have provided you present it in the correct way!
3. Mastermind With Other Leaders. All the top producers in this industry have a support system in place that they stay connected to without fail. They talk to other people in the industry, bounce ideas off them, and learn from them. They have friends in the industry that they talk to on a regular basis, partners that help keep them motivated, and a team that they lead by example. In this industry since most people work from home, it’s really easy to get disconnected and isolated and go out on your own little “island.” When you don’t have a support system in place, it is easier to give up and walk away…
In our case that support system is NetDivvy. Make it a point to be on at LEAST a few webinars a week to keep your motivation going, learn new skills, and stay connected. By staying connected to the NetDivvy community, you are masterminding with other industry leaders every time you communicate. Whether you are asking questions on webinars, offering your opinion or commenting in forums, or just talking to other people within the community you are staying connected and helping keep your motivation alive.
4. Top Producers Are Committed To Their Business And Their Vision. The best of the best are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals and they believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that their business is the way to make them happen.
Network marketing, and specifically online network marketing is easy, but it requires most people to step outside of their comfort zone and do things that aren't familiar. If people aren't firmly committed to what they want and their goals, they might try it once or twice. If they don't get results, they won't try again and they give up. However someone who is truly committed to a specific goal will stop at nothing to make it happen for themselves.
On the same level of importance is conviction. People need to have conviction that they are taking the right action. They are starting the right business and be absolutely convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that they will succeed. Most people let that doubt creep in. They listen to naysayers and let the opinions of others change their minds. As soon as that happens, the conviction is gone and people immediately begin questioning their decision. When you are questioning yourself, and your business it comes through in your marketing, your prospecting and your presentations. No one, I repeat NO ONE will join you if you don't believe in yourself.
You need to be both committed to your goals and your business and have conviction that it is the right opportunity for you. So this is something I've always included in business planning conversations with new business partners ever since. I really try to drive home both because it's not about me and whether or not I want people to succeed...
It's about their COMMITMENT to their goals and themselves, and their CONVICTION that they are involved in the BEST possible business, the best vehicle to help them get to where they want to be in life.
In conclusion your mindset is like the fuel for your business. Your business is the vehicle that can get you where you want to go, but even if you have the BEST, most expensive vehicle in the world, it can’t get anywhere without gas!
Make it a great day!
Lloyd Dobson
There are 4 things that THE MOST successful online entrepreneurs do on a daily basis and if I were you, I’d try to incorporate them into my day as best I could. Vince Reed & Terry Dorland, well known online marketers and trainers spell out for us below. Their FREE Training and Marketing System with strategies to build ANY successful business can be found at:
1. Personal Development: Top leaders are always immersed in personal development and there’s a reason for it. This industry is all about growing and developing into the most accomplished entrepreneur you can be. Your business will only grow to the extent that you do…think about that…It all comes down to attraction. Think of yourself as a prospect, someone looking to join a company. Maybe you just heard about a new business, or were just turned on to the industry through an acquaintance or a friend. You Google the opportunity to find out more information and you find a few other distributors advertising the same business.
Your friend is focusing on the products, and how much money you can make and how great of an opportunity it is while someone you found online has some information on the same, BUT they are focused on what they can provide YOU. They outline details on all the training, coaching, and support they’ll provide you to teach you to market the business online and help you succeed. They offer websites, regular personal consultations, and have testimonials from other successful people on their team to prove it…Who would you join? Which is more attractive to the average person?
People don’t join companies, they join people. I can tell you from experience that when you provide people with more, when you are more valuable as a sponsor and a mentor in this industry, more people will join you. Not only will you sponsor more people, but it becomes easier and easier to sponsor people. They will be calling you to join you and emailing you to join your team rather than you chasing them and trying to convince them to join your business. In network marketing, you are in direct competition with everyone else in your company. The best distributors are either great salesmen, great marketers, great leaders, or a combination of the three.
Personal development in this industry comes down to building your value as a marketer, a salesmen, and a leader. Develop the skills in marketing you need, learn every technique and strategy so you have value to share with others. The more you can share, and the more you can teach, the more attractive you become to your prospects. Grow your leadership skills, become the best leader you can be and people will want to follow you. Leaders get out there and take action. They’re not afraid to speak their mind and be in front of a group of people sharing what they know. Learn to sell yourself and your opportunity. Believe in what you can provide to people and believe in your products and people will want to buy from you.
DailyRead books, listen to CD’s, attend conferences and learn whatever you can from whomever you can to add value to what you can provide to your potential business partners, and people will be naturally attracted to you!
2. Build A List. All top producers in our industry build a list of targeted leads and develop a relationship with that list. There are two types of prospects you can go after: People who are network marketing buyers, and everyone else. Network marketing buyers are people who already believe in the business model, they are either already involved with a networking company, have been in the past, or they would get involved if the right opportunity came along. Once people believe in the business model, it becomes infinitely easier to sign them up in your business provided you’ve built a relationship and positioned yourself as a leader.
Building a relationship and positioning yourself as a leaser takes time, but it starts with providing value. Share what you know with your leads, teach them strategies that have helped you, share stories about what you’ve learned and how you learned it in order to showcase your skills. Basically what you’re doing is telling people and showing people that you know what you’re doing without directly coming out and saying. Instead, you’re providing knowledge that they can go out and use to help them build their businesses and in turn showing them that you are someone that can help them get to where they want to be.
Once you’ve built a relationship and proven yourself to your prospects (everyone on your list) you can market products and services to them until the end of time! Any time you join a new business, find a great affiliate product, or just need to get some new distributors in your primary business you have a list of people that are receptive to your offers and willing to look at anything you have provided you present it in the correct way!
3. Mastermind With Other Leaders. All the top producers in this industry have a support system in place that they stay connected to without fail. They talk to other people in the industry, bounce ideas off them, and learn from them. They have friends in the industry that they talk to on a regular basis, partners that help keep them motivated, and a team that they lead by example. In this industry since most people work from home, it’s really easy to get disconnected and isolated and go out on your own little “island.” When you don’t have a support system in place, it is easier to give up and walk away…
In our case that support system is NetDivvy. Make it a point to be on at LEAST a few webinars a week to keep your motivation going, learn new skills, and stay connected. By staying connected to the NetDivvy community, you are masterminding with other industry leaders every time you communicate. Whether you are asking questions on webinars, offering your opinion or commenting in forums, or just talking to other people within the community you are staying connected and helping keep your motivation alive.
4. Top Producers Are Committed To Their Business And Their Vision. The best of the best are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals and they believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that their business is the way to make them happen.
Network marketing, and specifically online network marketing is easy, but it requires most people to step outside of their comfort zone and do things that aren't familiar. If people aren't firmly committed to what they want and their goals, they might try it once or twice. If they don't get results, they won't try again and they give up. However someone who is truly committed to a specific goal will stop at nothing to make it happen for themselves.
On the same level of importance is conviction. People need to have conviction that they are taking the right action. They are starting the right business and be absolutely convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that they will succeed. Most people let that doubt creep in. They listen to naysayers and let the opinions of others change their minds. As soon as that happens, the conviction is gone and people immediately begin questioning their decision. When you are questioning yourself, and your business it comes through in your marketing, your prospecting and your presentations. No one, I repeat NO ONE will join you if you don't believe in yourself.
You need to be both committed to your goals and your business and have conviction that it is the right opportunity for you. So this is something I've always included in business planning conversations with new business partners ever since. I really try to drive home both because it's not about me and whether or not I want people to succeed...
It's about their COMMITMENT to their goals and themselves, and their CONVICTION that they are involved in the BEST possible business, the best vehicle to help them get to where they want to be in life.
In conclusion your mindset is like the fuel for your business. Your business is the vehicle that can get you where you want to go, but even if you have the BEST, most expensive vehicle in the world, it can’t get anywhere without gas!
Make it a great day!
Lloyd Dobson
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