Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Strategies for Success - What's The Secret?

I have always been a very competitive person. I was an athlete and for me being the best has always been something that I strive to be. Both of my parents are hard workers, but in particular my Dad was the person who I saw everyday working extremely hard. So when my athletic career ended I new I wanted to stay involved in a field that rewarded me for my hard work the same way I saw my father get rewarded for his; however, I saw my father also trading his time and a ceiling on his wages. So I naturally looked for anything that was commission based in the sales industry. I know that statement alone makes peoples nervous because most people look for the steady job with the steady paycheck. But, I new that I could not achieve the lifestyle that I wanted being comfortable!

So Like most people I went into the sales/marketing industry. I remember going up to my manager and some of the other top producers and saying to them, “I want to be the best what do I need to do”. They told me that you have to work hard, never put down the phone and do what that guy over their is doing. That guy over their was a guy making great money per month. Needless to say I did what he did and I had success. After spending many years in corporate America, I began looking at the Internet as a possibility of accomplishing my life long dreams. Those dreams were to spend "MY" time doing what I want to do, when I want to do it and where I want to do it. My choice was the white warm sunny beaches of Florida.

The first thing I did was search the internet for a mentor not a company. I saw the power of the internet and I new I needed a proven leader to teach me his secrets and strategies. When I found my first mentor and I have several today, the first question I asked him was this. “What Are The Top People In The Industry Doing?” He told me to take notes and this is what he said.

1. The first thing he said was top producers are students of personal development. He went on to say this and I will never forget it “top producers focus on getting better and realize that the business will only go as far as you take it!”

2. The second thing he Then told me was that top producer plug into systems and are masters of getting others to duplicate that system. He said if there are training calls or webinars make sure you are there. He said if there are events or conferences to go and to lead by example.

3. Third he said top producers are master marketers. He then said don’t worry I will teach you how to market your business and make sure you teach the techniques to your team. He said teach them everything you know and they will follow you.

4. Lastly he said top producers are committed to the business and have vision. He said top producers see things differently then the others in the industry. I didn’t get that at the time but I definitely do now.

So if you want to have success and build a powerful business these are the things that were taught to me from the beginning and I hope that they help you the way they have helped me.

To your success!

Lloyd Dobson

1 comment:

DaveandDawnCook said...

Good stuff my friend! Thank you very much for sharing.

Committed To Your Success!
Dave and Dawn